Welcome to VAMDET

VAMDET (Vanobva kwaMunyikwa Development Trust) is a

  • Zimbabwean registered Community Development Trust.

  • Humanitarian Organization.

  • Apolitical Organization.

  • Non Profit making Organization.

We cover two wards under Chief Munyikwa (Ward 15 & 16) in the Great province of Masvingo.We extend our hands in assisting the less priviledged,schools and clinics.We have leaders across all wards , and it is our wish that all those who come from Munyikwa to join this initiative.

Trust Objectives

  • To help in community development.

  • To source and adminster provisions of safe drinking water.

  • To carry out child development ,heaith and schooling welfare.

  • To help the community to learn better ways to upgrade themselves

  • Carrying social impact assessment and measurement.

  • Bringing together various stakeholders (the church,private sector , government ,donors and communities themselves) to establish sustainable social enterprises.

Schools Covered

  • Munyikwa

  • Muchekayaora

  • Ndisengei

  • Soro

  • Mutombwa

  • Kurayi

  • Mushangwe

  • Chepiri

  • Matombo

  • Makura

Clinics Covered

  • Kubiku

  • Chin'ai (Munyikwa)

  • Muchekayaora (under construction)

Legal Status

The Trust created by this Deed shall be a legal persona capable of suing and being sued in its own name apart and distinct from its members.As a growing organization we welcome all members of Munyikwa Community.As members we focus ,participate ,sacrifice and contribute (financial and ideas) in all VAMDET planned projects

Membership & Contributions

Everyone is free to join VAMDET provided that he or she is a resident of Munyikwa Community,once been or benefited from the community.A once off non refundable payment of $50 is required for registration and a monthly subscription of $5 to support VAMDET programs

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