Welcome to VAMDET

VAMDET (Vanobva kwaMunyikwa Development Trust) is a

  • Zimbabwean registered Community Development Trust.

  • Humanitarian Organization.

  • Apolitical Organization.

  • Non Profit making Organization.

It was registered (Registration number MA0000660/2016) by sons and daughters from Munyikwa Community aiming to upgrade the lives and infrastructures in and around ward 15 and ward 16 under chief Munyikwa in Gutu, Masvingo, Zimbabwe.

Core Values

  • Transparency

  • Efficiency

  • Accountability

  • Effectiveness

  • Good Cooperate Governance

Our Vision

"Munyikwa Communal area to become a community of excellence through continuous transformation of livelihood socially,economically & morally"

Mission Statement

"VAMDET is committed to create rural community development by helping communities under Munyikwa Chieftainship".

Our Motto

Together we can make our community fly


Bible Scripture

"Learn to do well,seek judgement,relieve the oppressed,judge the fatherless,plead for the widow" - Isaiah 1:17

Our Causes

Our community is in dire need of development and if we join our hands together,our community can fly high.

Fresh and safe water

Social Welfare

Education Facilities

lnfrastuctural Development

Health Facilities

Your contribution makes a huge difference to our community

Everyone is free to join VAMDET provided that he or she is a resident of Munyikwa Community,once been or benefited from the community.A once off non refundable payment of $50 is required for registration and a monthly subscription of $5 to support VAMDET programs.We invite all well wishers who are connected or have links with donors to link VAMDET for progress sake.

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