17th September, 2016


We joined our hands together and donated 4000 exercise books and textbooks to 4 primary schools.Also 4 disadvantaged pupils were graced with clothes.

27th December, 2017


Mr Watson Chatiza (founder) holding a school uniform,in white shirt is Mr Rodgers Chatiza , in sports attire is Mr Ndisengei a community member and in yellow suit is Mr Thomas Ndisengei the VAMDET finance and fundraising officer.

29th December, 2017

Consultative Meeting

We had a consultative meeting with community leaders,which was attended by at least 220 community leaders ,we had a nice social time for the betterment of our community.There was an entertainment from a soccer match between ward 15 and ward 16.Both teams got awards in monetary form.

28 December, 2018


VAMDET gender rep Nyaradzo Nyoni holding the kid after donating wintershoes at Kubiku Community.

25th February, 2019

Kubiku Donation

Mr Watson Chatiza handing over a donation of ECD curtains to Kubiku Primary School headmistress Mrs Machimbira.